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1)  What is a renaissance man?
2)  Hero is only one very specific example of word value.
     3)  TFT captured a moment prior to this 'so called ''18th level.''
4)  Each talent in TFT is equal to an entire "Class book" in AD&D3e +.

     This does not mean that a hundred and fifty point GURPS character, or an "18th level" AD&D Hero/Warrior are what the original word values were striving to become. Hearken back with me, if every one has not left the room already, and conjure up a vision of a game of CHAINMAIL. See before your eyes table top miniatures warfare already in progress.

     Two armies face each other on the table. Each miniature represents ten men. Look there, one of the generals has purchased a Hero. An individual represented by his own unit. Further he spent the ten points to purchase a +1 sword for him. Across the table from our hero is a unit of ten light foot soldier. The hero charges. Ha! Those poor foot soldiers.

     As anyone who plays CHAINMAIL knows the CRT of a Hero (rated = to 4 heavy calvary) with a +1 sword vs. 10 light infantry (rated = 10 light infantry) is an easy win for the Hero. In this case He has to fumble his roll to lose.

> E. K. B. wrote . . .
> Likewise calling 32 pt non-wizard beginning characters "heroes"
> in TFT is a bogus use of the term that cheapens it, in line with
> the degenerate modern practice of naming anyone who comes out of
> an emergency without pissing himself as being a "hero."

     That's a little harsh don't you think. And yes I strongly stand by the idea that a 24 point character in Melee' is a Hero and a 32 point character in TFT with any talents at all is a Superhero. Just as those two words stood initially defined by CHAINMAIL. Unless of course he paid double for those talents and also has spells. Then He is a wizard, or god. That is precisely what I am saying. And the difference between our views of what the word Hero means in game terms show just how much shifting of word value there has been.

     TFT captured that moment before sub classes really took over. Want to assassinate someone? TFT provides silent movement, sneak up behind them for +4 to hit, and if you can afford it use a wish to do max damage.

     Further, just so we can be clear that I feel my understanding of the word Hero far outstrips GURPS, I can easily represent the God Thor of the Deity & Demigods (1980 TSR) as a 32 point character in TFT. In fact it might shock you to find out that most of TFT's magic system comes from that book. Deities & Demigods that is. Every single power listed is represented in detail in Advanced Wizard. Particularly the immunities and the Item Creator Deities who provide the rest of the pantheon with magic items.

     Here I'll provide some evidence. Let me just take my Dieties book, close my eyes, open it at random and point. Here we go.

No Cha (demigod of thieves) from the Chinese Mythos.

Now what god like powers does he have?

     The god appears as a three-headed, eight armed man, with a silvery scaled skin, eyes that blaze like fire, and the ability to grow or shrink in size.

     He often fights with a +3 Flaming spear, plus a disintegrate spell (save applicable). He also uses a small brick of gold that he throws for damage. He has a panther skin bag that blows a whirlwind like that of a djinni. He uses a bracelet which, if thrown and strikes an enemy, attaches itself to the neck of its target and strangles him or her in 5 melee rounds unless they are able to alter their form or teleport themselves to another plane. He also has the power to throw one fireball per round.


     Octopus with glamour, open tunnel, and fireball.

     +3 Flaming spear

     Panther skin bag of control elemental (limited to air)

     Bracelet of magic rope

     All that in only four lines. And hell, according to TFT he hasn't even spent all his points yet. I don't know, is it just me, or is someone else starting to see just how Heroic TFT actually is.

David Michael Grouchy II

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