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1)  What is a renaissance man?
     2)  Hero is only one very specific example of word value.
3)  TFT captured a moment prior to this 'so called ''18th level.''
4)  Each talent in TFT is equal to an entire "Class book" in AD&D3e +.
For instance in the little boxed edition of D&D there is the ''Thief''' class of character. Later in AD&D this is expanded and now there is also ''Assassin'' sub class. Does this mean that a character who is a Thief from original D&D, has to change class to become an assassin? Does this mean that any character who chooses ''Thief,'' but not ''Assassin'' cannot use the assassination tables.

     Let us put that aside.

     In the boxed edition of old D&D there is a class of character called the ''Fighter.''. Later in AD&D this is expanded. A class called ''Ranger'' starts with 2D8 hit points and a table of abilities that is denied to the fighter. Both of the worst crimes, inflation and denial of ability to the preexisting Word.

     Let us put that aside.

     In the multi class world of D&D type games one can be a Fighter /thief. One can even be a Fighter / mage /thief. Now I submit to you that in TFT each talent is what used to be an entire class in D&D. To make a fighter / mage / Thief in TFT costs about 6 points. Sword for two, illusion or fireball for two, and Thief for two. TFT's Bard, to me, represents an entire D&D class. TFT's Priest, to me, represents an entire D&D class.

     And in this perspective I submit that GURPS is just the worst kind of offender. I mean ''quick draw?'' is a skill? It certainly doesn't come anywhere near the parking lot of an entire character class. Maybe a gunslinger, but we'd be talking about gun skills. Maybe a Florentine fencer, but we'd be talking about the rapier. If a game system is going to bury it's players in minutia then yes, they are going to need hundreds of character points

David Michael Grouchy II

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