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Demon World
Part 011

     Uncle's Lab

   "You have become more aggresive."  Rebecca says.  "Or you were showing
more restraint before you died."
   "Ada steps forward and says "You must not remember why Uncle never
attacked the throne before now."  She is looking at the floor, but talking
with her hands.  "The Demon world is gathered by it's dis-loyalty."  Ada
looks up at Rebecca and you, and says "I feel it's time we take Uncle to his
    Rebecca immediately takes a body posture of disagreement.
    Ada continues "There are plenty of candles for the Demons, they don't
even know where we are, and the workshop might bring back some more of his
    Rebecca steps in front of you "Your secret weapon has always been that
an attacking demon will stop to put out a candle first.  But we don't need
them unless their is a chance of them attacking."
    Rebecca pauses for just a second to take a breath.  In the main room
every child is holding a lit candle and there are thirty more throught the
room and in the kitchen.  You have just noticed just how many brackets,
nooks, and shelves are scattered over all the walls.
    "They have never had cause to come looking for us before."  Rebecca
continues.  She looks to Ada.  "What if it gets away and tells the others?"
    "We are going to have to break the larger demons sooner or later."  Ada
gestures to you.  "Uncle always knew this.  Let's take him to the lab.  We
need to make him younger.  The demons can't recognize him again.  Gail and
the teachers can finish any lesser demon that is foolish enough to wander in
here while we are gone."
     You realize there is a stunned heavy silence in the room.  There is an
unconfortable adjustment of body language amoung all the children.  They
give you the impression that many of them used to know you, and have just
realized you really don't remember anything.  To them, Gail has always had
permission to watch over everyone while Uncle is in the lab.  They don't
quite get what this debate is about.

     You take five steps to the back of the kitchen.  On the left of the
stove, on the wall, is a hook with a hand towel hangging on it.  You reach
out with your left finger, hook the hook and pull.  A meter section of the
wall rolls out from the wall and along the side of the stone stove.  The
back of the stove looks to have very easy access for cleaning.  You step
through the hole in the wall and can stand up.  Three sides of the back of
the stove have chuttes with small piles of ashes.

     When Rebbeca follows Ada in she pulls the hatch back along its tracks
to the closed possition.  Rebecca and Ada have a candle.  It is warm stuffy
and dark.  You hear stone moving quickly, a continuous grinding.  Then a
slap of stone against stone and the noise stops.  A trap door has opened up
under Rebecca who is hanging by the handle in the back of the meter square
door.  She lets go and you move closer to see her land three meters down
standing on a lader.  She climbs another nine meters down the ladder in a
    Ada moves around the side of the trap door, climbs on the ladder and
goes down.  You follow easily.
    There is another fireplace here directly under the one above and the
room is about the same size as the access room above.  But at the far end
this room is the start of a broad spiral stair down.  Rebecca lead the three
of you down a thousand and one steps with no landings and no pauses.  Your
legs feel like rubber.
    The fire place continued down as the core of the stair.  At one point it
has the stone removed and you can see inside.  There are ten different sets
of jointed pipes going up and down inside.  Made of kiln fired pottery each
run of pipe is a different diameter.  One almost a half meter across.
     But now down here before the iron door at the bottom, you see nine of
the pipes follow the floor and go into the wall next to the iron door.  One
of the pipes feeds a standing wash basin and mirror.
     Ada grabs the huge iron ring in the middle of the iron door.  She
starts teaching "Four-pin the Gadget Maker made all these devices for you
before he died."  The huge iron door is in a corner of the room but on the
right wall of that corner.  Now it comes away from the wall and then rolls
to the side on the left wall.  Inside are colored lights, glass, and books.

     Continue Solo Adventure III