Hello, and welcome to Akbe teaches arrr-peee

Our first student is going to be one of Silverhand's own Gms. But first a word from our sponsors.

< queue thrash metal >

(actual event on silver hand last year 04/22/05)

Have you ever wondered what would happen if the entire server actually role played?

Well here at Gold Bond Medicated Paladin we strongly believe that the first step is to get all your paladin's drunk or stoned.

Through out the lands of Azeroth we have cleverly provided many secret sources of booze for just this purpose.

Whiskey, beer, rum, you name it and we got it!

So help out the cause, make sure you always have a drink or two handy and get those pallies wasted.

Just walk right up to em and use my favorite macro...


/s you look thirsty

/trade %t

And slap that mug of uninhibited delight into the window!

Your paladin will thank you. And your server will thank you.

Now back to our regularly scheduled program ... already in progress.

GM thinks to self:

omg what have I stepped in?

Is this guy ghey?

OH WAIT, this is an arrr-peee server.

I've heard of this.

Let me see... what should I say?

What should I say?

Akbe the arrr peee guru:

notice here how I immediately use positive re-enforcement

for his use of role playing and staying in character,

even while he is doing the difficult task of being a GM.

Next week Episode 2!