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Day Three

     You row into a piece of bayou that is swarmimg with alligators.  Its hot and steamy.  Big drops of perspiration are dropping from your brow.  The gators seem quite cowardly and flee the pirogue whenever it draws near one.  Many of them are lounging on the banks.  Occasionally one slides silently into the water and submerges.  Most of them just look like logs floating in the water.

     [Get five experience for keeping your cool and not panicking.]

     There is an egret in a tree.  It is all snowy white and doesn’t look like it belongs in this part of the country.  It's perched on a limb hanging over the water, and just sits there watching you.  Or maybe it is sitting there ignoring you.  All is peacful, and calm.  You and Eva are making the most noise with the strokes of your oars.  Your arms are a little sore from two days of rowing and your back is a little stiff from sleeping on the ground.

     A huge alligator suddenly shoots straight up out of the water and snatches the egret off the limb with its mouth.  The gator and the bird disappear under the water.  Except for a couple of feathers floating in the air, the only thing to mark the egrets passing is a huge splash.
    [Get five experience for witnessing a gator attack.]

    You decide to ask Eva something.  "How did you get out?"  She looks around at the gators and says "They only like to ambush really, and they're easy enough to avoid if you know what to look for.  Besides I walked.  I didn't swim through this.  Thats for sure."
     "No, I mean, how did you get away from the rats?"
     Now she stops rowing and thinks for a minute.  She pulls the oar in and lays it across her lap.  After a minute she looks up at the sky.  Takes a deep breath and speaks.  "I don't think those were normal rats.  A good stomp will kill most rats I've seen.  These just kept getting up again.  When I told my story to Father Omni at the cathedral he said that my crucifix averted them."  She is fingering the holy symbol that she wears.  "I think that is why they sent a priest with me, and not exterminators."  You remember something you read in a Mnoren tome, and you recite it out loud under the moss hanging trees.
     “It is widely believed that vampires are repelled by garlic and holy objects.  If a vampire has an IQ under 14, such things will act on him like an AVERT spell.  A vampire with IQ 14 or better will not believe these superstitions, and will not be affected by them.”

     Later that day you are still in gator infested waters.  You were rowing around what looked like a tree stump when the pirogue runs aground.  The tree stump starts to rise up out of the water and so does the pirogue.  As you, Eva, the pirogue and your supplies get dumped into the water the stump reveals itself as the head of a giant snapping turtle.  The thing is enormous.  There are alligators everywhere.  The turtle starts by snapping an oar in two.

     3D vs. DX to grab your spear as you are dumped into the bayou.
     2D vs. DX to avoid drowning (swimmers who are unencumbered)
     MA 6 for swimmers swimming.
     MA 2 for anyone dog paddling.
     DX -4 if a swimmer attacks (-6 for non swimmers)
     NOTE: Any explosive gems will only do 3D damage by this time.

     [Killing the turtle is worth 24 experience.]
     [Escaping the turtle by disengaging over and over is worth fourty two, as killing turtles(or being killed by them) is not your mission.]

Giant one full hex alligator snapping turtle
ST 12    Bite 2+2
DX 12    Hard shell stops 2
IQ  4
MA  6/10(in water)

    A snapping turtle will hang on once it gets a bite.  If it hits and does damage it will not let go.  They are incredibly strong once they clamp down.  12D vs. ST to escape once bitten.  Even after death they will not let go.  If it bites you it will pull you down and try to drown you.

    Your DX in the water is 8.  If you have your spear (3D vs. DX 12 before you went in the water) it is 11.  If you were wise and put both of the extra character points from killing the wolves into DX you will be able to disengage before the turtle can attack.  If you were partialy wise and put only one point into DX, you will have to roll off vs. the turtle to see who goes first.  If you were foolish and put no points into DX you will probably die and the adventure will be over.
    Remember you can only throw an explosive gem while dog paddling (MA 2), not swimming (MA 6).  Also if you don't throw the gem, but punch with it instead, it will do damage to you as well.

If you survived go to Day 4