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The Chaos Embassy

The Chaos Embassy
     Since live prisoners from hell are so rare, the Chaos Embassy will pay anyone who can bring one in.  The live specimens are interrogated and studied.  Here is what the Chaos Embassy has learned of our enemies so far.

                      Name: Gnome
          Attributes: ST 10   DX 6   IQ 8   8 extra points  MA 10
    Cannibalistic: They prefer to eat the allied races, but will eat each other.
Special effects: Dark vision

                      Name: Drow
          Attributes: ST  6   DX 10   IQ 8   8 extra points  MA 12
    Cannibalistic: They prefer to eat the allied races, live and slowly.
special effects: Mage sight

                      Name: Ogre
          Attributes: ST 25   DX  8   IQ  7   1 extra point  MA 10
    Cannibalistic: They prefer to eat the allied races, children especially.
Special effects: fire resistance
                                  (double exp needed for a point,
                                  Giantism (ST / DX = number of hexes)
                                  Dark vision

                      Name: Sprite
          Attributes: ST  4, DX 12, IQ  8, 6 extra points  MA 8/16
    Cannibalistic: They prefer to eat the allied races, in large stews.
Special effects: +3 DX with thrown or missile weapons
                                  Dark vision

                      Name: Troll
          Attributes: ST  8   DX  8   IQ  8   8 extra points  MA 10
    Cannibalistic: They prefer to eat the allied races, bone marrow first.
Special effects: Only one hex in size, unlike homeland trolls
                                  Detect magic
                                  Dark vision

                      Name: Goblin
          Attributes: ST  9   DX  8   IQ  7   8 extra points  MA 10
    Cannibalistic: They prefer to eat the allied races, in festive bar-b-ques.
Special effects: Dark vision

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