< News announcers voice >

The alliance rolled AV tonight in 14 minutes flat.

In an interesting turn of events the horde just stood around IB gy flag and when they alliance showed up the Horde collectively took a step backwards.

< Scene of a Tauren Warrior holding his own leg in his left hand and a 2-hander in his right >

"I don't know it was like they rehearsed it or something. Every horde stepped back. No one attacked. ... Well I did. But you see what it got me."

< Tauren shakes his leg at the camera >
< Back to News Announcer >

Reports indicate that everyone who then spawned in the tunnel stayed there for some unknown reason.

< Scene of 900 hundred year old Troll dwelling under a bridge in the Under City >

"Told em I did. The heart has gone out of the Horde will to fight. 39 people playing solo. 40 people and I never been so alone. Told em I did."

< Back to News Announcer >
The Alliance victory celebration was intense but short lived.

< Still picture of 7 people standing around Drek's body >

Reports indicate that the Horde did not requeue after that. One short 15 minute match is all there was tonight. Is this the beginning of the end? Or just a lul before 1.12?

< cut to commercial >